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رواية مشوهة في قلب صعيدي كاملة بقلم نور الشامي

رواية مشوهة في قلب صعيدي كاملة بقلم نور الشامي


مشوهه في قلب صعيدي
وقف يصرخ امامها بغضب مردفا: انا مش طايج ابص في رشك هتعامل معاكي ازاي اصلا لو ببص ليكي بحس بالاشمئزاز ابعدي عني وبس وانا خر اجرب من ال يعجبني واكلم ال يعجبني دي حاجه متخصكيش
نارين بدموع: خلاص طلجني وروح كلم بنات براحتك او اتجوز او اعمل ل يعجبك لكن متعملش فيا اكده انا مش ناجصه وجع جلب اكتر من اكده
اركان بغضب شديد: مش انتي ال تجولي طلجني ولا لع انا اعمل ال يعجبني مش بمزاجك واخده كدابه زيك ليها نفس تتكلم
نارين ببكاء: انا مكدبتش والله انا كنت هجولك كل حاجه بس
اركان بصراخ : بس اي وزفت اي جولتلك ملكيش صاالح بيا واكتمي خالص انا اكلم ال يعجبني وانتي اهنيه محرد خدامه ووووو
quotation Distorted in the heart of Saidi He stood shouting angrily in front of her, and shouting: I am not going to see your splash, you will deal with you, how do you originally. If a bass would like you to feel disgusted, move away from me and just while I am another, I try who does not like me and talk to me. We shoot with tears: salvation, talk to girls as you like, or I marry, or work that you do not like, but you don’t think about it. I am not short of pain. Bring more than you confirm Arkan was very angry: You are not going to tell me, nor do I swear, I do not like me, I don’t like your mood, and I take it as your beard like you have a soul to speak Narin crying: I was bothered by God, I was just about you Arkan shouted: But what did you pay? Which one did you go to, you are good with me, and be quiet. I speak. I do not like him.quotation Distorted in the heart of Saidi He stood shouting angrily in front of her, and shouting: I am not going to see your splash, you will deal with you, how do you originally. If a bass would like you to feel disgusted, move away from me and just while I am another, I try who does not like me and talk to me. We shoot with tears: salvation, talk to girls as you like, or I marry, or work that you do not like, but you don’t think about it. I am not short of pain. Bring more than you confirm Arkan was very angry: You are not going to tell me, nor do I swear, I do not like me, I don’t like your mood, and I take it as your beard like you have a soul to speak Narin crying: I was bothered by God, I was just about you Arkan shouted: But what did you pay? Which one did you go to, you are good with me, and be quiet. I speak. I do not like him.


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